We are looking for a В2В Marketing Director, to lead our marketing department and enrich marceting strategies.

What you will do:

  • Develop a marketing strategy collaboratively with company executives, taking into account the specifics of the B2B segment​​​​​​​​​​​​​​;
  • Formulate offers for key segments and develop a comprehensive plan to attract new clients through current and new channels;
  • Generate hypotheses and test various strategies to improve conversion at the customer acquisition stage;
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of current and potential new channels of acquisition and sales, selecting the most promising ones for scaling and investment;
  • Analyze the economic efficiency of marketing channels, carefully plan the budget, and control expenses, building a financial management strategy based on real data and forecasts;
  • Manage a team of specialists in various marketing areas (company hosted events, SEO, paid ads, email marketing, SMM, etc), ensuring coordinated efforts and the achievement of company goals;
  • Develop and implement a content strategy, determining the most effective content marketing mix and organic traffic growth strategy;
  • Integrate company strategy and brand positioning to all marketing channels;
  • Own execution and improvements of the marketing strategy;
  • Implement a cross-channel analytics system and develop methods for measuring results, making data-driven decisions and optimizing the strategy;
  • Explore and test new customer acquisition channels, as well as experiment with new mechanics to optimize results;
  • Test new markets and segments, actively researching potential opportunities for business expansion;
  • ICollaborate with the product team to improve the customer experience and optimize the path from product awareness to purchase;

We Expect You to Have:

  • Proficiency in English at a В2 level for effective communication in an international environment;
  • At least 5 years of experience in B2B marketing with proven results in various fields and regions;
  • Knowledge and experience with various marketing tools, such as CRM, cross-channel analytics, advertising platforms, and data analysis tools;
  • Deep understanding and experience with marketing channels, including PPC, SEO, Email marketing, and SMM, with the ability to adapt strategies for different markets and segments;
  • Ability to generate and test hypotheses, as well as effectively communicate with customers to gather relevant feedback and develop offers;
  • Skills in structuring information, visualizing data, and analyzing results;
  • Experience in successfully launching and managing marketing campaigns, as well as experience in team and project management to achieve set goals;

What we offer:

  • A two-story loft in the center of Moscow with its own bar: 10 minutes walk from the metro;
  • Remote work: you can work from anywhere, and come to the office only on holidays;
  • Flexible work schedule;
  • Compliance with your local labor code: sick leave, vacation - all as it should be;
  • Large clients, interesting cases, non-trivial tasks;
  • A large team with various competencies: the team leader will help you integrate and develop a plan;
  • Working on your personal brand: we help write articles and prepare for public speaking;
  • Professional conferences: we will pay for travel and participation;
  • Training in professional areas: we have developed courses for UX designers, team leaders, project managers, etc.;
  • Parties and atmosphere: we love to have fun in the office and beyond.

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    Спасибо. Мы получили твое резюме. Рады, что ты хочешь присоединиться к нашей команде.

    Нам понадобится некоторое время, чтобы подробно ознакомиться с твоим опытом. В течение 2-3 рабочих дней мы выйдем на связь, если будем готовы пригласить тебя на собеседование.

    Если прямо сейчас у нас не найдется подходящей вакансии, мы сохраним твой отклик и свяжемся, как только у нас появится для тебя интересное предложение.

    Хорошего дня!

    HR-команда AGIMA.


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    д. 19, стр. 4

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